How To Deliver The Best Ad Breaks To Your Audience?
In television, viewers are accustomed to commercial breaks. If you ask anyone how they define an ad break, they would probably say something along the lines of: “it’s a grouping of different ads that fill up time between segments of content”. In digital advertising, we call that an Ad Pod. Until recently Ad Pod management…

Does COVID19 accelerate the shift from Linear TV to Digital/OTT/CTV?
Watch a moment from last week’s live stream with Mary Ann Halford & Benjamin Antier during the Virtual Next TV Summit 🍿 + Key take aways from our talk below KEY TAKE AWAYS #fieldnotes Lots of opportunities in current environment shifting towards CTV. Connected TV offers control. We know who views a show, when and where and in what context. The second factor…

QOW #1 – How will increased ad supported streaming change the free TV ad experience?
“We will see changes in both process and presentation. Fewer interruptions during programming, longer messaging around it or even on other platforms and channels all of which could bring about the next creative revolution. First, though, it’s important to acknowledge that any changes in the streaming experience will be based on data-driven experiments, and will…