The Importance of Industry Trust on the AdPod
Public Co-Founder and CEO Ben Antier sat down with Wayne Blodwell on his aptly named podcast The AdPod to talk all things CTV.
The two discussed the issues facing CTV growth today, with the number one obstacle being industry trust.
“One of the key industry priorities is to increase trust,” Ben said. “You won’t want to use anything, if you can't trust it.”
Understanding fraud is the first step in increasing trust. Although fraud can often be attributed to incorrect signals or technical errors, without access to those numbers, publishers can’t trust that their ads are being served properly.
“One of the things we’ve done at the IAS/Publica level is making sure we give publishers insights into fraud,” Ben said. “Publishers can set alerts and monitor things like viewability. We're giving these signals to people who can do something about it.”
Publica’s acquisition by IAS has not only amplified measurement through Publica, it’s also given Ben a glimpse into the advertising buy-side.
“Historically Publica was – and we're still – 100% focused on publishers,” he said. “It’s been new to me to see what buyers are looking for. It is very basic needs. When I hear these questions from the buy side, I feel very good about them because I think we have the answers.”
The type of advertiser impacts their needs and requests. Ben broke it down into three groups: traditional advertisers, digital advertisers and social advertisers.
Traditional advertisers seek transparency. They want to know where their ads run, which can be challenging due to data privacy agreements between applications.
Digital buyers seek the measurement they get from digital advertising. Audience targeting, contextual targeting and viewability matter to these buyers.
Finally, social advertisers care about people-based marketing. Social platforms like Facebook, TikTok and Instagram have perfected individual targeting, which social buyers want out of CTV.
“With CTV, we have everything we need to do that. But because CTV is not a walled garden, it is an open ecosystem, you need to have a lot of collaboration in that ecosystem to make it work. We’re progressing nicely on that journey.” Ben said.
Listen to the full podcast to hear Ben and Wayne discuss CTV targeting, the quality of CTV content today, the OpenRTB update and more.